How Long to Grill Flank Steak Medium

How Long to Grill Flank Steak Medium: Perfect Timing Guide

Grill flank steak for 4-5 minutes per side to achieve medium doneness. Ensure the internal temperature reaches 135°F.

Grilling flank steak to perfection requires attention to time and temperature. This lean cut of beef benefits from quick cooking over high heat, which helps retain its juices and tender texture. Achieving a medium doneness ensures the steak remains flavorful and tender.

Let the steak rest for at least 5 minutes after grilling to allow the juices to redistribute. This brief resting period enhances the steak’s flavor and texture. Slicing the steak against the grain also contributes to a more tender bite. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy a perfectly grilled flank steak every time.

Introduction To Grilling Flank Steak

How Long to Grill Flank Steak Medium

Flank steak is a tasty cut of beef. It is known for its rich flavor. This cut is also very versatile. You can use it in many dishes. Flank steak is also affordable. It’s a great choice for grilling. The meat is lean and cooks quickly. This makes it perfect for busy evenings. Many people love its juicy texture. It can be marinated to enhance flavors. Flank steak is a favorite for BBQ lovers.

Grilling is a healthy way to cook meat. It helps reduce fat content. The excess fat drips away during cooking. Grilling also adds a smoky flavor. This makes the steak more delicious. Cooking on a grill is quick and easy. It saves time in the kitchen. Grilling also creates a nice char on the meat. This enhances the steak’s taste and texture. Many people enjoy the outdoor cooking experience.

Preparing Your Flank Steak

How Long to Grill Flank Steak Medium

Choose meat that is bright red and fresh. Look for fine marbling for more flavor. Avoid meat with dark spots or dry edges. The best flank steak feels firm to the touch. Always check the sell-by date before buying.

Use a mix of oil, acid, and spices for marinating. Common choices are olive oil, vinegar, and garlic. Marinate the steak for at least two hours. For best results, marinate overnight. Always keep the meat in the fridge while marinating. Pat the steak dry before grilling.

Setting Up The Grill

Grill flank steak to medium perfection in just 8-10 minutes per side. Ensure the grill reaches high heat before cooking. Rest the steak for 5 minutes after grilling for optimal flavor and tenderness.

How Long to Grill Flank Steak Medium

Choosing The Right Grill

Gas grills and charcoal grills both work well. Gas grills are easy to control. Charcoal grills give a smoky flavor. Choose what you like best. Make sure the grill is clean. A clean grill makes better food.

Setting The Temperature

For medium flank steak, set the grill to medium-high heat. This means 400-450°F. Use a grill thermometer if you have one. Preheat the grill for about 15 minutes. This helps cook the steak evenly. Always make sure the grill is hot before cooking.

How Long to Grill Flank Steak Medium: Perfect Timing Guide

Grilling Techniques

How Long to Grill Flank Steak Medium

Grilling with direct heat cooks the steak faster. Place the steak directly over the flames. This method gives a nice sear. Grilling with indirect heat cooks the steak slower. Move the steak away from the flames. This method avoids burning the outside. Both methods can be combined. Start with direct heat for a sear. Then move to indirect heat to finish cooking.

A meat thermometer helps cook the steak perfectly. Insert the thermometer into the thickest part of the steak. For medium doneness, aim for 130-135°F. Remove the steak from the grill at this temperature. Let the steak rest for a few minutes. The temperature will rise slightly during this time. This ensures the steak is juicy and tender.

Timing Guide For Medium Flank Steak

How Long to Grill Flank Steak Medium

Grill flank steak for about 4-5 minutes per side. Use a medium-high heat grill. Aim for an internal temperature of 130-135°F. This ensures a medium finish. Let the steak rest for 5 minutes after grilling. Resting helps the juices settle.

Use a meat thermometer for accuracy. Insert it into the thickest part of the steak. Ensure it reads between 130-135°F for medium. The steak should feel firm but still have some give. Cut into the steak to check the color. It should be pink in the center.

How Long to Grill Flank Steak Medium: Perfect Timing Guide

Resting The Steak

How Long to Grill Flank Steak Medium

Resting the steak allows the juices to redistribute. This makes the meat more tender and flavorful. Cutting the steak too soon lets the juices run out. Your steak might be dry and less tasty. Letting it rest helps you enjoy the full flavor of the meat.

Rest the steak for at least 5 minutes. For a thicker steak, rest for 10 minutes. This lets the juices settle properly. Use a tent of foil to keep it warm. Do not wrap it too tight. This keeps the heat and juices in the meat.

Serving Suggestions

How Long to Grill Flank Steak Medium

Always let the steak rest for 5-10 minutes. This helps keep the juices inside. Use a sharp knife to slice the steak. Cut against the grain. This makes the meat more tender. Each slice should be thin. Aim for about a quarter-inch thick. Serve the slices on a warm plate.

Grilled vegetables are a great choice. Try bell peppers, zucchini, and mushrooms. A fresh salad adds a nice touch. Consider a mix of greens, cherry tomatoes, and cucumbers. Roasted potatoes are another tasty option. Season them with herbs like rosemary and thyme. Garlic bread is also a favorite. The flavors go well with grilled steak.

How Long to Grill Flank Steak Medium: Perfect Timing Guide

Troubleshooting Common Issues

How Long to Grill Flank Steak Medium

Grill the flank steak for 4-5 minutes per side. Use a meat thermometer to check temperature. The steak should reach 130-135°F for medium. Remove steak from the grill once it hits desired temperature. Let the steak rest for 5 minutes before slicing.

Marinate the flank steak for at least 2 hours. Use acidic ingredients like lemon juice or vinegar. Slice the steak against the grain. This makes the meat easier to chew. Cook the steak to medium for best texture.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long To Grill Flank Steak?

Grill flank steak for about 4-5 minutes per side. This will achieve a medium doneness. Adjust time for thickness.

What Temperature For Medium Flank Steak?

Grill until the internal temperature reaches 130-135°F. Use a meat thermometer for accuracy. Let it rest before slicing.

Should I Marinate Flank Steak Before Grilling?

Yes, marinating flank steak enhances flavor and tenderness. Aim for at least 2 hours or overnight for best results.

How To Check If Flank Steak Is Medium?

Use a meat thermometer to check. Medium doneness is 130-135°F internally. Rest steak for 5 minutes before slicing.


Grilling flank steak to medium perfection requires timing and attention. Aim for 4-5 minutes per side. Use a meat thermometer to ensure it reaches 135°F. Let it rest before slicing. Enjoy your flavorful, juicy steak! Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep grilling and refining your technique.

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